Tapdancer, you are guilty of media gullibility. Work has been done on that very question - there is no evidence that there were "hundreds of scientific articles from the 70s claiming we're heading for cooling or another ice age". In fact one of the Time magazine cover pages that is circulated widely is a photo-shop forgery. The facts never get in the way for an ideological climate skeptic.
See how the Time magazine cover was manipulated by unscrupulous skeptics here:
"Global cooling was a conjecture during the 1970s of imminent cooling of the Earth's surface and atmosphere culminating in a period of extensive glaciation. This hypothesis had little support in the scientific community, but gained temporary popular attention due to a combination of a slight downward trend of temperatures from the 1940s to the early 1970s and press reports that did not accurately reflect the full scope of the scientific climate literature"
...but then again, when have you people ever bothered with anything other than the gutter press for you supposedly scientific information?