media savvy asylumseekers ... vanstone

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    Media-savvy asylum seekers play hardball

    AMANDA VANSTONE October 07, 2013

    Media coverage plays a strong part in affecting our perceptions of what is happening around us and of what others are thinking. The recent tragic sinking of a boat off the coast of Java with asylum seekers on board, many of them children, is a case in point.

    From the initial media coverage, one could be forgiven for thinking Australia was somehow to blame.

    If anyone doubts that these people know full well what they are doing, all they need do is watch the TV clip of the man who claimed they had rung the Australian embassy but help had not arrived. To travel with mobiles on international roam, with the numbers in hand either of the Australian embassy or onshore colleagues ready and willing to contact it, is not the modus operandi of uninformed people who are duped by people smugglers. No, this is the work of people who are playing hardball with the Australian government and using the media to do so.

    Their modus operandi is to get as many sad stories associated with asylum seekers into the Australian media as possible. They want to press our sympathy button until we can't stand it any more. That they have a sad story does not entitle them to come to Australia. There are even sadder stories in camps in Africa and northern Thailand, but those poor people don't have a media-savvy people-smuggling ring happy to engage the Australian media on their behalf.

    Opening the door will do nothing to end the oceans of sadness and unfairness that cluster around our globe. Accepting these people above those in camps is not the politics of principle but the politics of convenience. The previous Labor government got sucked into the ''We want to look the good guy'' vortex, with tragic results for all to see.

    After the sinking of the boat there were reports we had not done what we should. We were inveigled into this tragedy, in another country, by people making a phone call and making sure the media knew about it. I didn't see much that even asked the question ''is this really our responsibility?'' let alone commentary making the case that it was not.

    Of course we have international law-of-the-sea rescue obligations. Let's not turn that into the notion we have an obligation to make sure we place vessels wherever there is a chance someone might need rescuing. No doubt phone records will show who called whom and when. At that time we can all make a judgment.

    I am sickened by politicians who are prepared to jump on any tragedy, any person with a sad story, and use them politically. It is the politics of convenience at its worst. I am not sure why we do not see their activities as clearly and blatantly as we would if, for example, they conducted media interviews after the funerals of children stricken by disease.

    We do not need a royal commission on the sinking of a boat off Java. Remember, the lives of these people and those of their families are not at risk in Indonesia. Perhaps the Refugee Convention does need an overhaul. Rising incomes and ease of air travel have made forum shopping a possibility that was not as likely when the convention was drafted. Maybe the world needs to move to a system that shuts the door on forum shopping. The people who travel through or past two, three or four other countries in order to get to the country of their preference are certainly not those most in need.

    Labor, by putting the sugar back on the table, started the boats up again. It has created endless problems for us and the Indonesians. Now it needs to be fixed again.

    Some in the media were quick to rush to judgment on the announcement that instead of a 24-hour running commentary on boat arrivals, there would now be a weekly briefing. Until the first briefing, Australians were being led to believe their right to know was under threat. We do have a right to know what our government is doing. But surely we want our leaders getting on with the job more than we want them fronting cameras. There is no urgent need for us to know on a minute-by-minute, day-by-day basis. Equally, with people smugglers and their customers having networks in Australia, from an operational point of view it makes good sense not to provide a running commentary.

    Tony Abbott's first trip to Indonesia was just a start. But it was a good one. We should not let people smuggling define our relationship with this diverse, multicultural country. Abbott was wise to make Indonesia his first port of call internationally. There are opportunities on both sides of the relationship.

    There are concerns - and not just from what one might call feminazis - about the lack of women in the Abbott cabinet. The die was cast in part long ago when the shadow ministry was announced and Abbott made much of the need for stability and continuity. But that is just an explanation for how it came about. It is not an adequate explanation.

    If I were Abbott I would have made a few farewells at cabinet and ministry level and brought in more women and new talent.

    More women does not necessarily make better government. Look at the Rudd/Gillard years. But a government of predominantly men looks horribly out of touch. Abbott might do well to reflect seriously on that when the first shuffle opportunity comes knocking.

    Amanda Vanstone is a columnist with The Age and was immigration minister in the Howard government.
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