AVB 0.00% 16.5¢ avanco resources limited

blackrock funding, page-51

  1. 6,689 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 226
    Following on from what I posted yesterday regarding the Top 20 shareholders in AVB and the need in time for more larger investor commitment that should come as the mine(s) becomes a reality, I have looked at the Top 20 in 2013 compared to 2012.

    The top 4 remain unchanged except a small increase of 5 million shares.

    Five shareholders dropped out of the Top 20 for a total of 47 million shares.

    Five new shareholders came into the Top 20 for a total of 26 million shares.

    Overall the Top 20 holding dropped by 20 million shares, (from 34% in 2012 to 32% in 2013).

    It is apparent that from 2012 to 2013 we have not seen any significant increase to the large investment end.

    Yesterday there were several buys of 500,000 or more. That signals that one or more larger investors may be entering the fray.

    A similar trend today may be likely and KK's prediction of a 9c finish could be close.

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Currently unlisted public company.

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