CDU 0.00% 23.5¢ cudeco limited

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    "Data populated into the block model includes different copper species (which assists in recovery profiles), pyrite content (to assist in cobalt & sulphur recovery profiles), gold content, magnetite content, weathering profiles, specific gravity, calcite and sulphur content (used in PAF calculations) and of course the various metals and other elements for which assays results are present.

    The block model data is constrained by some 36 domains (nested) that have been defined through exhaustive geological interpretation of more than 305,000 metres of drilling, and interpretation of over 160 individual cross-sections. The current resource block model took 9 months of full-time analysis by a team of independent resource experts, looking at more than 7 years of compiled data.
    The Rocklands Block Model represents the collective input and geological interpretations and investigations, of more than 50 individual geologists and other industry professionals, who have contributed to the creation of a resource model that has been compiled, validated and cross-checked by independent expert resource consultants.

    The resource block model is prepared and reported according to the Joint Ore Reserve Committee (JORC) reporting guidelines, and to industry best practices."

    Source; CDU Market Release 28th Oct 2013

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