AVB avanco resources limited

the avb posters stand-up comedy show., page-125

  1. 262 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 347
    Chezd posts on this forum when there is news to tell not just for the sake of it. I cannot invent the news, merely report it, hence my infrequent posts.

    If you look back on my posts you will see that my sentiment has been "None" for a while now so I am not attempting to guide anyone in any direction because I do not trade this stock though I wish I had in retrospect. In fact the news I presented on Trindale North was offered without opinion so that people could make up their own minds about it.

    Yes, I could get on here and join the chorus of people calling this a dog stock because I am nearly $200,000 down after 3 years in this stock but that is just self fulfilling prophecy.

    Instead why don't people think of this, it may just change your opinion on the stock and people may stop selling into this capper.

    AVB have about $20 million in the bank with promises of funding for a further $70 million upon certain conditions being met. The Market Cap is roughly $90 million so the market is assigning a $0 Enterprise Value to nearly 1 Million tonnes of CU in ground with the potential for further discoveries to add to that inventory.

    Last time I had an opportunity like that was BRM when they actually had a cash position greater than the MC. I bought that one at 56 cents and sold at $5.90. Now people might think that this is a thinly disguised attempt to GUIDE people in a certain direction. What I am attempting to say here is that if you believe in the fundamentals and that they will get the mining licence then a $0 EV has to represent a good buying opportunity. If you don't, then stay on the sidelines with Agent Coop.

    $man, if you think that I am only ramping please put me on ignore or better still, I will just keep the information that I find to myself from now on. Over to you Ewob to provide further ramping direction.

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