shame johnnie shame, page-14

  1. 673 Posts.
    acronym re: shame johnnie shame I presume to not put myself in the group you were referring to.

    For the record - I'd prefer the war not to happen

    Yhat's different to not seeing that it is needed and will take place.

    What I am trying to understand is a few things about the vocal anti-war people.

    I.They mainly agree that Saddam has WMD
    2.They agree he is a bad bad person
    3.They acknowledge that whilst he may not necessarily pose an inmmediate threat, given time he would and at the moment he may be spreading his stuff to people who do pose an immediate risk.
    4.They know the UN is a body that acts in a very slow way and at times way after the time it is needed.
    5.They know the 3 aligned countries France Germany and Russsia have such huge vested interest that their bias is a significant role.

    5, As John howard pointed out and I had forgotten - all this hooplah about the inspectors being given more time and the crazy rhetoric about the US rattling its sabre in the region by their build-up - IT IS THAT VERY REASON and IT ALONE that there are even inspectors IN the country.

    How does all of the above add up to - "lets wait to see which way the UN jumps???"
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