why god's not big on fysical sex and carnality, page-8

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    'eunuch' is a teaching given by Jesus when his disciples questioned him about his inference to not marry

    Jesus said some are born eunuch, others are made eunuch & other choose to be eunuch for the sake of the kingdom of heaven

    I was playing with words for the Xian members

    my 'born eunuch' means having a genetic capacity to reap the amazing liberating & blissful fruits of celibacy

    the notion that one can become eunuch for the sake of the kingdom of heaven is flawed (which is a major reason for Church sexual abuse)

    'born eunuch' are those that can see the mundane & enslaving nature of sex (rather than getting goose bumps about it)


    A eunuch (/'ju?n?k/; Greek: ????????) is a man who (by the common definition of the term) may have been castrated, typically early enough in his life for this change to have major hormonal consequences. Less commonly, in translations of ancient texts, "eunuch" may refer to a man who is not castrated but who is impotent, celibate, or otherwise not inclined to marry and procreate. Most eunuchs who are castrated before puberty are asexual.
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