christmas on your own, page-19

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    wonderful to help others - and Xmas Day so emotional for many - must be tough to have no-one and be entirely left to one's own devices. SO having somewhere to mix with others and have a Xmas meal would be heaven sent. Thanks to all volunteers who gave of their time on Xmas Day.

    Some arguing families might wish they were NOT at the family gathering - many a near biffo, or "dirty washings" aired on this so stressful for some day. A day when everyone's so exhausted - some words mis-interpreted, perhaps, as a result. Many gritted teeth - to keep the peace.

    However, we are all of us alone, strictly speaking - we come into the world alone - and we go out of it - alone. Some people can still be alone, spiritually, even when surrounded by people, and noise. NO matter how wealthy, or materially well off.

    I think if we think of this, and look at our fellow humans, day to day, with a more respectful and considerate gaze, young, old, healthy, infirm, we'll all of us benefit, and see the world in a much better light.

    Old people are JUST young people who've go old. Doesn't suddenly make them stupid, incapable, or invisible. Treat them with the same courtesy you'd extend to the young. Why not? Having a walking stick or a frame does not suddenly mean they are idiots. Each and all of us will one day get old. Does this mean we suddenly don't deserve respect - and consideration - ads portraying oldies as (suddenly) doddering old fools don't help. WHY do they DO this?

    Depressed people, in particular, can feel dreadfully alone - whatever the day, or the occasion. It's part of their illness. This feeling of aloneness. They wrongly think - this is only happening to (just) me! A kind word, and a hug, and encouragement, some company, a day out, some laughter, can mean heaps - perhaps help someone turn the corner back to health.

    It's the people in our lives who matter. Not things, possessions, materialism, shopping, accumulating, and building up bank balances. Yet what do we hear so often these days - oh, he/she/they are estranged - more often than not it turns out this happened over some Will argument within the family. How sad! Families now not even speaking! These situations are rife! Why can't people sort all this stuff out before they depart!

    Apart from that - a smile costs nothing. Smile at a stranger - and invariably, you'll be constantly suprised -you'll get a huge smile back.

    Well done to all those who do go out of their way to help others.

    Keeping the Christmas spirit going for the whole year - even the smallest kind gesture can help so many silently suffering. And all of us has SOME cross to bear.

    Happy New Year to all.
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