american democracy, page-5

  1. 930 Posts.
    Forget Philip, hes too busy preening himself in his mirrors.

    Listen to someone who hasnt got a narcissism problem , just rellies who Phil and his fellow travellers dont want to know about..,3604,895397,00.html

    The movement's main Victorian coordinator is the Victorian Peace Network. Its site is a brazen front for Saddam Hussein. It refuses to condemn him or report his crimes. There are no links to anti-Saddam groups nor are there any articles explaining why Saddam should go.

    It only carries links to pro-Saddam groups, including Electronic Iraq and MAPW (Medical Association for the Prevention of War). The latter is affiliated with the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War. This organisation was actually a Soviet front that was established in 1981 by the KGB and was operated by the Soviets' IDCC (International Department of the Central Committee). What more is there to be said.

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