AVB 0.00% 16.5¢ avanco resources limited

ann out, page-40

  1. 718 Posts.
    picastoc, After holding AVB for many years when it was a lot higher in price, my belief is the reason the price stays the same as it usually does, is because we still dont have anything yet to sell, and still a way off yet, i think the buying and selling over last year at least has just be DT or other short termers playing games and making a quick dollar, nothing wrong with that, as i have done that also before.But i think until we are at the stage where we are almost up and running or at least with licence and all the docos sealed, then this stock will be played by the short term players. Announcements are just that and unless its a definite thing the price will go up and down, like a hookers knickers.Just my opinion.
    Good luck all
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