Cheers GonnFishing.
One thing I have learnt since joining HotCopper in April this year is that there are certain people's posts that you follow and others that you ignore.
Another is having influencial, knowledgeable and well connected friends, of which I have none.
You can just about read who is accumulating and who is sitting on the sidelines but prepared to say lots. I on the other hand, will only recommend when i have put my money where my mouth is.
I do agree with you, why waste a terrific announcement at this time of year when there no-one's around to enjoy it.
I also agree that it will consolidate around 13-14 cents for the strong run early in the new year when we get the remainder of the drill results that Chris Cairns told us about in the last announcement.
I think IGR has travelled far in the last 12 months, having been in it since float, I have certainly felt the pain of the last 4-5 years. It's nice to see a turnaround story with a confident, intelligent guy at the helm. I have no doubt whatsoever that those prepared to sit this one out for a few years will be handsomely rewarded.
Won't it be a revelation, the day Tas finally tells us that he is in. Tas, are you waiting on some technical or geotechnical data before you dip your toes in the water?
If there is anything troubling you about IGR's future, why not take it up personally with Chris Cairns. From the feedback from the seminars recently, seems to be a very approachable guy and happy to talk about IGR.
To Tastarga, acturtle, CdChi1, thanks for the intelligent, no nonsense, & technical posts, ( Cdchi1, I put you in here for your intelligent, commonsense posts ) and to the others that have fed the debate.
Have a Merry Christmas, and a happy and prosperous New Year. I know I will, I've got IGR..........
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