corby and the cash, page-6

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    funny how all the armchair "legal experts", from their no doubt cushy suburban pads, sit in condescending judgment on Corby - having her guilty hung, drawn and quartered.

    Fact is, she was NOT tried under the scrupulous stringencies and forensic oversight of any Australia investigative and legal systems. I note the family of the recently tragically decesded mother and daughter insisted their bodies came back here for autopsy. DO we then take it that Indonesian medics aren't up to doing valid autopsies - yet Corby's detractors
    thinkg their justice systems are 100% spot on?

    Funny, not a SQUEAK of speculation - from these local would be hangmen (who remind me of the old ladies kitting at the French guillotines as the head rolled) as to the hows, and whys, Australia, daily, is swamped with easy supplies of heroin, cocaine, amphetimines, Ice, et al - much deadlier pernicious drugs - (heroin, supposedly coming in - in droves - via Tasmania, some say! - (hearsay) - not a peep of protest or conjecture from all these "she's guilty" self-satisfied squawkers so quick to put their boots into Corby. NO demands for some sort of large scale investigations - not into the mules, but into just WHO are the Mr. Bigs, in the world drug trading rackets?

    I have said I don't know whether Corby is guilty - or innocent. I don't know whether she was innocent - in terms of not knowing - being caught entirely unawares, if so - (if this was, perhaps, the case) that someone, in some circumstance unbeknownst to her, had put the "stuff" in her bag. There have been cases of innocent Aussie and other tourists, in Bali, finding "stuff" secreted into their luggage. I could go on and on - but won't.

    But in an Aussie court - she'd at least have had the presumption of being innocent, until proven guilty, beyond any reasonable doubt.

    I have strong links with many well-placed Balinese. I've heard all the theories. Even had various "this is the fact" stories told to me, by decent and honest people up there. One version in particular - came from very responsible source. But I don't run around repeating this tale, 'here's the latest - nudge nudge - wink wink!) On principle. Because it's all based on second and third hand hearsay - as it was told, to me - and I won't repeat it because that's what it is. Just gossip, without any basic proof that I know of. AT least I admit I don't know the truth. As others should do.

    Did Corby get a fair trial - I don't think so. Chaos always reigned in those courtroom scenes we saw on TV - No accused should have been put through that - a chaos which would not have been tolerated here. The courtroom would have been cleared by the Judge. Police brought in to ensure discipline. Forensic integrity was non-existent at worst, or at least faulty in several aspects,it seems. She's spent 9 years in a hell-hole. It's not as if she got off scot free. She cannot be found guilty, just by association. Sadly lack of an Australian trial condemns her to a life of being (mostly) scorned and derided. So in effect she has a life sentence anyway.

    To those who've condemned her - no clue about any facts - but, they trumpet, THEY know all, anyway - why not turn some of your smug vengeful ire onto the terrible drug scenes we now see in Australia - why not bang some saucepans - as to why NOTHING is being done about these constant and huge importations - of substances far deadlier than pot.

    Yep - Australia drowning in Heroin - and other muck - killing many of our youngsters - and the not do young - ruining lives- and that's not even cause for some of these, so offended at Corby, to blink? Not even any questions asked - as to what the authorities are doing?
    In our own country. What hypocrites people are.

    I am not excusing Corby - should she indeed be guilty. We are all entitled to opinion. It's the arrogant assumptions flying around - that some broach THEY know. And that, to me, is what's dangerous - and pathetic. And pompously presumptive.
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