drugs, guns, & people trafficing

  1. 13,770 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 19
    A sad state of affairs.

    Drugs, guns, & people trafficing are the 3 biggest 'corporations' in the world today according to a magazine I read last evening & it does not reflect well on the human race at any time of the year let alone this religious celebration time of the Christ Mass -christmas. For indeed this is the biggest con ever perpetrated on so the religion of Christianity & the world The Jesus Christ in the Bible is merely a figment of imagination & our saviour in 'real' life is our Sun & that is the Jesus referred to in the Bible - The Sun.

    The Sun is 'born again' on the 25th of december after dying for the previous 6 months in the northern hemishere where the big con began around 2,000 yrs ago.

    In fact we in the southern hemisphere should be having a wake as the Sun begins it's 'death' yet again.

    This is a wonderful read -

    The Judaic-Christian Bible tells a wonderful story.
    It is, in fact, often referred to as "The Greatest Story Ever Told".
    And so it is! You are now about to find out why!
    In the New Testament of Christian Bible, a provocative and most serious challenge is laid on the whole of Christianity. Since it bears directly on our subject, we will quote it: "...if Christ be not risen, then our preaching is in vain, and your faith is also in vain. Yea, and we are found false witnesses of God ..
    And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins." (I Cor 15:14, 15, & 17)

    In the New Testament there is a warning given to all who would build a house. Namely, before you lay the foundation, find out what the foundation itself will rest on - solid rock, or sand? The reason is obvious...
    or said another way; "You need to stand under the foundation to get a true under-standing!"


    The 2nd biggest con perpetrated on the people of Australia is the union jack on 'our' flag but that is another story.

    Love & light to all.

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