the honest truth

  1. 1,858 Posts.

    Senator Conroy wants the honest truth!!!.

    Well here are the facts he is looking for Conroy and all the lefties.

    The Australian Navy has been tasked with securing our boarders, ie keep them safe and throw any intruders out of our soverign boarders.

    So how do they do this task, well firstly all Navy ships cruise up and down the Indonesians coastline 13 Km from Indonesia.

    When a illegal boat is observed crossing into international waters they are intercepted and placed in a sturdy lifeboat and the Illegal Crew from Indonesia are told to sail the lifeboat back, no more can they say their boat is sinking, no hands are burnt just sent on their way back.

    They questions Conroy wants answered are simple, he already know the answer, so do the AUSTRALIAN people know wot's going on and they appauld the efforts of our boarder protection people.

    While we spend $12.5 on the new lifeboats, just work out how much we are saving with not having to look after 12,000 people a year on the already stretched social security stystem.

    The laughable thing about all this is we all know what the Navy & Co are doing, so Y ask the General, the only difference is the small detail of how we turn them back and this is an operational matter which once know to the smugglers they can try and overcome, but it appears the lifeboats are the key to it all.

    Also the Indo Navy is useless they did not even know our boats come into their waters.

    Now that the horse has bolted they may or may not have turned up. The problem they have is should a boat say they are sinking the Indo Navy is aboliged to go to their assistance the one thing they do not want to do.

    The boats have stopped due the General Campbell and his forces doing wot the Government of the day has asked them to do. They obey without fear or favour.

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