running a mile from the left

  1. 10,415 Posts.
    Andrew Bolt makes a valid point. Most conservatives will proudly and openly state their politics are conservative, but so many of the left run a mile from identifying themselves as such. Indeed, so many left wing commentators amusingly identify themselves as being "centrist" or middle of the road when it is patently untrue.

    Why are so many of the left embarrassed to admit as much?

    CONSERVATIVES must be winning. We’ve made the Left so ashamed, they are running a mile from the word.

    All over the country, ageing Leftists are hiding their Che Guevara T-shirts and pulling on cardigans and “who me?” expressions.

    Take last Friday, when Left-wing publisher Morry Schwartz went on the Left-wing ABC to plug his new Saturday Paper.

    Schwartz’s paper has a stable of pink-hued writers, from huffster David Marr to the even more Left-wing Robert Manne, and ABC host Jon Faine drew the obvious conclusion.

    Faine: So it’s going to have a Left-of-centre focus?

    Schwartz (horrified): No ... Centrist. Progressive and centrist.

    And the next day we saw what Schwartz’s “progressive and centrist” newspaper looked like — exactly like a Leftist one.

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