mh370, page-167

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    if that you say is in fact the situation - then God help the lot of us.

    If we, as a human race, can't go all out to help each other - forget about Nations - and Borders - in such a tragic calamity - (and possible, perhaps - the long shot - the chance to save all, or some, passenger's lives!) then where is the human spirit - has it totally caved in?

    (For this was Satellite information being witheld - and in an atmosphere of intense public (families) suffering - very much a "need to know" situation IMO!) - this plane could have been being commandeered and set to be used, possibly, as yet another weapon/missile, - a la 9/11) - "Twin Towers" in KL perhaps?

    This "anal retention" shown by other countries' tracking systems authorities seeming to e so reluctant to help when it was so vital they did, needs to be totally condemned. And rectified - once the full details of this tragedy become evident, if they ever do. We hope that's soon.

    If this was an evil, pre-planned act - by someone - then "good men" have seen it's beginnings - via Satellite - and it behoved them to say something - in the face of alleged evil - fast!
    For God's sake - 12 days have gone by. One phone call - Thailand to Malaysia - may have saved all these lives. Or even one.

    Luckily for New York in 9/11- American radar twigged to exactly what was going on. Took a while - but buildings and lives were saved. Don't think THEY stopped to analyse - and weigh up!

    The West always the first to rush to some Third World country's disaster. What then, you say, it's OK for them to be shown to be not keen to reciprocate in return? Some reservations? What, some lifesaver - jumps in when the poor victim's already drowned. Because of his manual's protocol - or the displeasure of his superiors? A few days after the event?

    The world's gone mad. If this is how you think so-called "friendly" governments should interact. Or rather, not interact.

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