continuous glucose monitoring, page-12

  1. 1,073 Posts.
    Ive really got nothing to compare it too so that understandably makes my opinion a little less valid. For the last 12 or so yrs ive manually tested (still do) and use insulin pens. I'm looking into maybe getting a pump and the obvious choice now would be a pump that incorporates the dexcom but not in a hell rush to change or complicate things while everythings going good.

    Ive only just had it a week but accuracy wise its been not far off and from what ive read on forums etc its apparently considered the best and miles better than the previous model.

    All the things i like about it are features most likely available in all cgm models. ie continuous trend, alarms for high/low, severely trending down/up etc For me anyway its the low alarm as i dont get the usual symptoms till my bs's are really low and obviously leaves alot less time to react + with the trends the wild bs swings associated with lows (or highs) can be more tightly controlled. Like i said in my previous post overall management wise is made easier. Though im sure that would apply to other cgm's and ive been somewhat ignorant to technological advances in the field.

    I went with Dexcom cos it got recommended to me by other type 1's who said it changed their life in regards to overall management and limiting hypos/hypers.

    I still manually test myself but instead of doing it 4-10 or whatever times a day and having a limited data range i now have nearly 300 points to analyze.

    Seems everything i like about it would most likely be fulfilled by all other cgm's the only things maybe setting it apart is accuracy and possibly size, bout the size of a small mp3 player like the ipod nano,easily fits in my pocket though i did have to purchase/order a cover for it from a o/seas company.

    Ive probably been no help whatsoever lol!

    I def agree with your overall sentiment.

    Anyway...Best of luck with your son Obviously dyor as clearly im not expert on all the technology available to us type 1's.



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