now bush is going to invade iran, page-31

  1. 13,764 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 19
    Before I read the article I will say that the aim of the the NWO (those that seek control, a One World Government, even though if it ever happens will be many lifetimes hence, but that is what their belief system aims for) is to have a One World currency, that would allow for easy manipulation, (change the interest rates, rich get richer etc) as exchange rates would be non existant. The English pound (no icon for pound, guess who designed the keyboard) was the 'world' currency but after those who seek 'control' manipulated WW 1 & 2 it made Britiam bankrupt & the US$ took over. Gold is considered a currency, a psuedo peg to the US$ & I think the strong attachmen of, US$ up, Gold down was loosened a couple of months back even though they still do mostly go in opposite directions.Gold in many currencies has hit highs, including the US$ so that is telling us something.

    OK the article -

    But under the new system, the banker notices that people are visiting his bank much less frequently. His gold stocks are just sitting around. So he gets a bright idea: he'll print up some new banknotes and issue them as loans. The new banknotes are not backed up by actual gold reserves, but he can get away with this because only a percentage of the note-bearers come in on a given day asking for their gold..........

    .............& this is where the system falls down, the loaning of money. The debit card bubble. Inflate property values so that there is a reason to remortgage & then not if, but when property values fall, like they are in the throws of doing now in Britain, USA, east coast of Aust, but here in the west the mining boom is keeping prices high for now. The piper must be paid. Who is going to pay the US debt? Eventually there will be a run on the US$. No fiat currency has ever survived.None. I recall France sometime ago offered something like 1 new franc for 100 old ones. Japan has has low interest rates, almost nil% & the borrowers sent it off to countries with hig interest rates, the carry trade. Did not create any jobs a la this Keynesian stuff. The US$ used to have a promise to pay on it. It does not any more.

    I do not like owing money, basically because I am then obligated by that debt, attached to it if you like until I become 'free' again by paying it off. But to pay off the cost of 3 houses over 25 yrs when I only bought one is not for me.Sure the house may sell for 3 times what I paid but I do not live that way, I value being able to go where & when I want - no obligations to debt.That's me & each to their own.

    This is the masonic influence on the $1 note.
    Reverse of current $1 bill

    The reverse of the one dollar bill has an ornate design that incorporates the Great Seal of the United States, and it is of noted interest to historians and numerologists for the symbols contained therein.

    To the left is the reverse of the seal which portrays an unfinished pyramid. The separated cap of the pyramid, portraying the all-seeing eye, symbolizes that the United States is still far from finished. The Latin phrase Annuit C?ptis (He [God] has favored our undertaking) is located above the pyramid. NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM (New Order of the Ages) is shown on a ribbon below the pyramid. Written at the base of the pyramid in Roman Numerals is MDCCLXXVI or 1776, the year the United States Declaration of Independence was signed.

    To the right is the obverse of the Great Seal portraying a heraldic Bald Eagle. In front of the eagle is an unsupported shield which symbolizes the fledgling country's ability to stand on its own, unified by congress; this is symbolized by the blue bar on top of the shield. Above the eagle's head is a glory with 13 stars. Clutched in the eagle's beak is a ribbon that reads E PLURIBUS UNUM (From many, one). It also holds an olive branch and arrows in its claws, symbolizing the desire of peace, but the readiness to fight.

    Also from 1776 - o what a wonderful world!

    These good folk swell our numbers and fill our money-box. Set yourselves to work; these gentlemen must be made to nibble at the bait…But this sort of people must always be made to believe that the grade they have reached is the last - Adam Weishaupt (Founder of the Illuminati, 1776)

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