9/11 explosive evidence, page-301

  1. 22,698 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 7
    Ahhh Krashy "USA v Everyone else", how do you figure that? What, because I am prepared to hit back when someone calls me an idiot, "loose change", "ignorant". Be careful Krashy, you know what they say about living in glass houses. It was around this time last week when i made a post and had never had anything to do with you before and you called me an idiot for not believing in your anti-Us rubbish.

    Maybe you didn't read my post before where i told Hajji to settle down. For all we know Krashy, we may agree on 99% of issues but not this, so I am prepared to give people the benefit of the doubt if i disagree with them.

    However, when you name call people for not believing in your conspiracies, be prepared to cop some in return. And as i said, for the credibility of your posts, I would stick to one anti-us conspiracy at a time.

    Within the space of a week, you have attempted to lay the blame on the US for the missing Malaysian Airline, started a 9/11 conspiracy thread at the same time you started a Boston Bombing "hoax" thread.

    You have a clear agenda and your posts start to lack credibility when your bias is so obvious which clearly questions your objectivity.

    If you spent as much time on researching the people behind these attacks, the connections between past attackers and 911, the timeline of events in the decade prior and reading up on where the dead passangers, pilots/crew and had some objectivity when it comes to witnesses, then I'm sure you wouldn't be so biased.

    Just settle down mate, you have attempted to bully people who disagreed with your views, so don't be so precious. We'll probably find some common ground on another thread and we will end up having a "love in". It's all in the spirit of it and I don't hold grudges with many :)

    But, coming from this side of the computer, 3 anti-US threads, all conspiracies, just looks like you have an agenda and I hope you understand that.

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