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    Some Definitions

    When I say I believe in X, I mean that I think that there is sufficient evidence to think that X is probably true.

    When I say that I have faith in X, I mean that I think that X is true in spite of lack of evidence that this is true.

    Yes, others may have a different view on the definitions of belief and faith. I mention that this is the way I interpret the words in case you want to understand where I am coming from.

    Science is reproducible,testable,demonstrable and able to be observed

    Yes it (theory of evolution) is reproducible, testable, demonstrable and able to be observed. I suggest that if you are interested do your own research.

    There are scientific theories that are not reproducible (this does not apply to evolution). For example gravity is not reproducible.

    Evolution theory,falls into the belief category,and no all scientists do not accept it as fact at all.

    It is true that not all scientists accept evolution, but most working in the field do. In any case I don't care if they do or don't - that is their choice, not mine.

    " despite over a 100 years of trying no scientists have disproved it in spite of the fact this is possible to do so"

    Thats not a fact at all whereru,that is your belief,many,many scientists do not accept evolution as fact at all because of the gaping inconsistencies that have to be accepted by faith,not science,assumption,not fact

    Yes it is true. Do your own research. I have being doing so for 10 years.

    I covered this in my first response to your questions. I believe that the theory of evolution is true because of the evidence to support it. I am happy to change my mind if the theory proves to be wrong.

    When you said"i do believe" that is YOUR FAITH speaking

    In my case, no it isn't. If I had to rely purely on faith (ie to believe without evidence), I would not be interested in the theory of evolution.

    You accept it personally as YOUR FAITH in that belief,which is your prerogative,but it certainly isnt science! by definition of what science is defined as!

    It is science (do your own research if you are interested), and it's not faith (already explained)

    "Did I say people were bad because of their beliefs? If I did I need to be pulled up, and apologize if I did. "

    Thats good whereru,you actually have on other threads on your points about fundamentalists etc,but im glad you feel that way

    Glad that I have your approval in one thing that I wrote.

    "I hold the view that people can believe what they like. It saddens me when I see people being bonded to a belief system by fear (eg believe or else) and struggling pensioners paying 10% of their incomes to support a guy with a fancy car and house. The way in which these people are persuaded to pay up I think in immoral."

    No different to evolution being taught as fact now in our society,and anyone who dares to question the status quo are called flat earthers fundamentalists etc,dosent true science welcome debate?Objectivity?

    The only experience that I have of the teaching of science is as theories that are constantly challenged. If you want a Nobel prize disprove the theory of evolution -it's that simple:)

    So what you are saying is,if someone dosent believe as you do,they have an expectation to suspend reason?

    Why is that belief so differant from believing by faith that all life was brought forth 4.6million years ago,when non living in organic material(a rock)(primordial soup)gave forth something living and all life proceeded from this?

    Wasnt observed by anyone,cannot be recreated,because order came out of chaos.Species evolve from one to another etc yet there is not one example of this happening?

    You accept this theory by faith,the same as you point the finger at others for doing

    I don't know how life started and am prepared to admit this rather than listen to someone who wrote stories about it thousands of years ago.

    Are you trying to tell me communism and humanism socialism are warm fuzzy ideologies??

    I didn't say anything about these, so wasn't telling you anything.

    The basis to the above ideologies is evolution,infact survival of the fittest and facism were all based on evolution as fact

    You do have a fixation on evolution. In any case it is a scientific theory on how life developed once it started, and does by the way include altruism .The survival of the fittest and fascism are not a good model to base societies on. We don't want to adopt the survival of the fittest as a model for society but it is evident in nature if you care to look.

    If you think you came from a primordial soup and you are just an insignificant piece of a naturalistic universe,dosent get much colder than that imo,so that point is lost on me

    Nobody knows how life started. Scientists admit that, and are trying to find out. It may be cold an impersonal, but that doesn't make it false. We have the ability to make life meaningful and warm - the choice is ours.

    I look at when the bible went to the people and they could see there hierarchy were lieing to them,and the free western democratic system of government of which you enjoy the freedoms of which it demands,yet call the basis to this freedom ignorance,again,another point that is lost on me,christianity has framed the free society we all enjoy,as globalisation destroys this,we see tyrany prevails again as the elite indoctrinate our society with beliefs that destroy individual freedoms

    Society wasn't exactly free when theists were in charge. I suggest that you look into church history. Freedom came when people questioned the stranglehold of theists.

    You may find it hard to believe that some of us can live a purposeful life based respect and altruism without relying on stories written in a book several thousand years ago.

    I find it strange that you spend so much energy trying to debunk evolution but are prepared to accept what is written thousands of years ago without question.

    Questions for you:

    Are you prepared to concede that the bible may be wrong?

    Why are you so concerned about the theory of evolution? After all it's just a theory that you can reject if you want to.

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