what is god and why should one subscribe, page-30

  1. 5,014 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 152
    In simplistic terms, we can not know for certain if a God ( whether religious or not ) does exist. Why ?

    Atheists are right and wrong in proclaiming as much as believers.
    If one recognises the epistemological issues surrounding the premises one would only understand that limitations due to the nature of our earthly existence do not permit us to have any sound certainty in our proclamations.
    Do many here and around dedicate their lives to the understandings of what is around us let alone what is within us? Not many I suppose and the reason is simple, that is, our clinging on to society requires a big effort and excersing great care in securing our survival role in it distracts our ability to see some light. It's like, I myself talking about mechanical knowledge without being a mechanic or just guessing along or whatever other examples suit best. We just don't have sufficient personalised knowledge that allows us to identify with clarity so we just assume.
    But it would be fair to assert that other powerful beings may exist because of our existence and because our existence is true for all + limited and because of that limitation, that is we can not compare and be compared with what nature has created since the difference is infinitely timeless.
    So if a grand designer does exist because we are in existence so therefore existence requires an origin how and where did that origin spring about?
    Now that's hard to answer and the real answer is we don't know because we don't have all the information at hand. But the omniscient and omnipotent abrahamistic beings that show a powerful display of human flaws aren't the answers that humanity is looking at either. If you were to give a human being an existence where healing and self right of way to improve and correct his or her living standards, religious gods would not be necessary as religious gods control your inner being depriving you of personal achievement.( and money )
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