what is god and why should one subscribe, page-36

  1. 37,911 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 828
    There are a lot of things. The first is looking for the truth honestly and actively. The arrogant and wicked will not and cannot understand. They are blocked.

    I have not yet gained the impression of much honesty , let alone truth, posted here.

    If you look for it, you will start to find it, and with time more, and more. Im quite a way down that path and it gets more and more fascinating.

    imo, this is far from any true path, when one boldly calls others "arrogant and wicked"

    every human being is born into this world exactly the same, which is with a mind immersed with ignorance (not knowing)

    for some, just as like the night become day, this darkness of ignorance slowly or quickly dissolves, dependent on experience & natural gifts

    this process of awakening is strictly non-personal. it is merely an act of nature

    this is why we should not call others names such as "arrogant and wicked"

    the true path is one of understanding & forgiveness

    the Bible teaches God desires mercy & not judgement

    Then as you start to understand you have to stand up for it.

    stand up for what? the "chosen-people-elect-ego" your petty mind appears to be manufacturing; the "us-&-them-conceit" your mind appears to be manufacturing?

    And try to follow the Commandments.

    don't make me laugh. why must one "try" to follow the Commandments? those that have virtuous hearts follow their virtuous hearts (nervous system) rather than any Commandments

    At any cost to your social popularity.

    and? so?

    It can commonly be bitterly and painfully difficult.

    non-sense. it is easy. the true path is easy

    Many have been murdered for it, but it works.

    more non-sense.

    I have given the opposite examples of Buddha & Jesus many times on this forum

    Buddha was a man complete in virtue. he declared a Buddha must die a natural death (which is an indicator of his virtue & social harmony)

    where as Jesus was crucified due to a lack of virtue, because he coveted the Jewish religion, which did not belong to him, and because he started fights with the Jewish priests

    worse, Jesus created a cult of martyrdom, where many Xians were sacrificed because instead of living in the world with virtue they instead insulted others by calling them vicious names

    the Xian martyrs died because they sinned against Natural Law & true virtue

    if we wish to be virtuous people, we must not covet the world & we must abide peaceably with all

    Im not an uneducated person, more the opposite.

    not so. you are certainly uneducated in the science of true virtue, true love & true selflessness.

    But if you honour and follow the creator of all things, He will help you.

    you are brainwashed friend. the creator of all things is lust; just as your parent's lust created you or the lust of birds & bees enables plants to reproduce

    the creator of the universe is agitation, such as the massive forces, impacts & explosions that created the universe

    the saviour of the human mind is peace, stillness & gentleness.

    peace, stillness & gentleness are not the creator of all things. it is the opposite.

    peace, stillness & gentleness are the reconciler & pacifier of all things

    Best of all the promise is that death will have no power over you.

    ha, ha...more superstition

    if your mind believes you will go to heaven after death because of faith, it is your mind's faith that convinces you there is no death

    however, for enlightened selfless virtuous people, death has no power over them because they do not covet life & do not greedily lust for another life or, worse, greedily & selfishly lust to live forever

    virtuous people are humble enough to accept they are the same as all things, i.e., temporary, just like grains of sand

    Protection? So much. eg. One of a number. 10 years ago I fell from a ladder a long way onto a concrete path. I hit my head and smashed my arm so badly it was one of the worst breaks ever seen at a major trauma hospital in Sydney. I now have a semi titanium arm.

    you sound like the Steve Austin The Six Million Dollar Man! well done!

    A that precise moment in the backblocks of the northern beaches a theatre nurse from a teaching hospital had rejected three previous parking spots and was getting out of her car at the precise and only point where I could be seen from the street. She had come to buy fabric at a nearby shop. I called out for help before losing consciousness and she rushed up and stayed with me, holding my head in the precise position required to help if I had broken my back. For two hours. There were two ambulances etc . If she had not been there at that moment I could now be a paraplegic.

    I am personally gladdened this wonderful lady came to help you. I am also personally gladdened to read your life was saved & has recovered.

    However, this is more evidence that a God was not there to help you.

    the only "God" that came to help you was the loving-kindness & compassion in the good lady's heart

    thus the Bible teaches, which it borrowed from Buddha: "god is Love"

    all the best
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