open system theory applied to evolution., page-217

  1. RM
    7,411 Posts.
    For God to have created Adam in a genuine high level of design we should see a U shaped chart of health and life expectancy.

    Our current understanding of genetic transmission we should expect to see the fallen man initially have very robust genetic code and experience long life. As the generations increase these fallen or post edenic humans should see a decline in health due to deteriorations and mutations and a reduction in life spans which initially would have been high by later standards.

    As our knowledge increased regarding natural laws we should see improvements in health via processes such as engineering and sanitation as well as advancements in medicine. The falling life expectancy should start to bottom out like the left hand side of a rounded bottom for those that are Chartists.

    We should then start to to see a rise in the living standards and life expectancies which would be the right hand uptick on the U chart.

    If only we had any records of initial abnormal average long lifespans that declines then bottoms out and gradually improves. Hmmmm

    As a side note regarding God and technical analysis....(not Gann) here is a little bit of Spiritual speculation or more accurately a philosophical thought bubble I had a long time ago.

    The chartist might say but the rounded bottom when you break the top you get a rapturous explosive move up into the blue sky territory.

    What level could that be printed on the time axis. Personally No real idea ( 1 Thessalonians 5:2 )

    many prophetic variables still to go until the pattern is fully formed but this level may be of interest as a talking point.

    Genesis 6:3
    New International Version - UK (NIVUK)

    3 Then the Lord said, ‘My Spirit will not contend with humans for ever, for they are mortal; their days will be a hundred and twenty years.’

    Is this the average lifespan that needs to be reached again since the fall of man and the great decline?

    The average life span in the Middle Ages was a ripe old age of 35

    We are seeing a gradual increase over the globe and a cure for the common forms of cancer and more effective antiviral treatment and diabetes would cause quite a jump in life expectancy in a short period of time.

    Not back up to average lifespan of 120 but the chart above is heading north.

    Food for thought

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