amazing reports in herald sun

  1. 86 Posts.
    Confirmation of Napthine friendship with persons of dubious character went even further today as the HS named Napthines business partner, Mr Colin Mckenna who it seems applies for government handouts regularly.

    It seems Mr McKenna has a great lifestyle on tax payers money...he can even buy a share in a race horse with the Premier and own another which run in the last race and won....Aint it good to be a mate of the Premier.

    Why a business partner of the Premier can plead poor and in need of tax payers cash to fund business and have a lifestyle which includes owning race horses and hob nob with the rich and famous is beyond me..and as long as the Premier vouches for you...your plea to be poor will be accepted.

    You get the money....I love you Denis...can I have $3 million.

    Its gotta be hum bug.
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