precognitive dreams, page-12

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 152
    To add on,
    I assume that there is a possibility that temporary ideas of time do not equate with each other meaning that, when we are in sleep mode, time is not subject to hindrances as time is moving in wave lengths differently than when we are awake. I say this because when we suddenly awake from sleep we try desperately to recall particulars of that dream or dreams only to fail. So when we are awake our wave lengths are limited because we are not travelling in time as fast as when we are asleep.

    There seems to be an intelligence far greater than what we can perceive. Our attachments to a material life as if to hold on at every cost is one of those hindrances or obstacles as the mind requires freedom from material attachments. Why do I say this ? Well, the human mind adapts readily to any situation but it can also be troubled and any interference it may have will cause disturbances as to how it can transmit, after all the human mind is also a transmitter and a receiving station to which every thought impulse gets translated.

    So maybe we are dealing with different realities or dimensions, any thoughts ?
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