gays kids dont have a mother and father

  1. 4,041 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 27
    Many believe homosexual people have the right to marry with the intention of "having a family" After all this is what marriage is.

    All children need a Mother and a Father. It is a primal need that cannot be counterfited no matter what the spin given by atheists and others . It is no different than aboriginal children being taken off their mothers and fathers. The child has lost its human right.

    Love is not enough. The child has been rejected by somebody to find itself in a homosexual "family"

    To will a child upon a same sex couple is taking away a childs human right to a mother and father.

    I know heterosexual marriages break down but the mother or father is still there for the child. There is no arguement for gay marriage sound enough to protect the child.

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