evolution is for monkeys, page-266

  1. 426 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 49
    As I read the posts, particularly TradeManic's I find that Anti-evolutionists have at least one thing in common with climate-change deniers and anti-vaccine nuts. They keep repeating nonsense long after it’s been debunked, and if you debunk it one more time, they pretend they can’t hear you and just keep going. Lather, rinse, repeat—it just never ends.

    One of the evolution-haters’ favorites, for example, is this: if evolution really happened, with one species giving rise to another, why aren’t there any transitional fossils? Put that in your pipe and smoke it, Professor Darwin.
    It would be a devastating critique if true, but it’s hogwash. Our relatively recent ancestor Lucy had both apelike and human characteristics, and paleontologists have found many more examples going back hundreds of millions of years. One of the most dramatic was announced in 2006: an ancient fishlike creature dubbed Tiktaalik. Dating back some 375 million years, it had gills, scales and a mostly fishy body. But its fins concealed bones and joints of a type never before seen in a fish, which let it crawl around on land. It was either our great-great-great (repeat many times) grandfish. Or at least, it was related.

    It was the first fish that could do pushups and it was found in exactly the right rock strata. Fossils in rocks older than 385million years are all aquatic creatures. No amphibians have been found in rocks much older than 365 million years. So they went hunting for the transitional fossil in rocks dated to around 375million years. And they found it.
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