evolution is for monkeys, page-361

  1. 17,307 Posts.
    Actually it is interesting that you mention the Ark...

    On the surface the story of Noah's Ark is plainly ridiculous in that no one could possible believe that you could gather, house and feed a massive number of male and female animal species on a boat built by people of wood for any significant length of time...

    Why would it ever find its way into the biblical record if so ridiculous?

    For the times, technology and knowledge of the day it is plainly an impossible story...

    However for our technology level today it is a doable feat, and actually a quite sensible project, if we extract and preserve from each animal pair on a vessel with appropriate freezing technology, only the essence of the male and female animals required for reproduction, either the sperm and eggs, or even just extracted DNA...

    It seems to be quite a similar concept to the seed-store that Bill Gates and some other billionaires have set up in the Artic circle in some underground and inaccessable storage facility...

    It does make one wonder somewhat how fore-sighted the story tellers of the time must have been to understand and write about something that would only become possible in several thousand years and was not even remotely imaginable in those days...
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