question: are we in a bull or bear market?, page-3

  1. 3,442 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    Thorburn to TRY and answer that I would have to drill right down to the single unit, the end user,the individual that goes to work and gets a pay packet at the end of the week,fortnight or month.

    Making an assumption that you are employed or not up to your neck in debt and that you have sufficient funds ($) to live knowingly in relative comfort even if unemployed for a couple of years (theoretical time line arguable),then does it really worry me the decline of manual workers in the car industry being taken over by cheaper labour in another country?,let alone that 3D printing will with out doubt make cheap labour obsolete.?

    Taking Japan and the BOJ controlling everything,the 3rd largest economy that is sheltered by America and Australia's next biggest trading partner does it really matter that what is Japan's debt is?

    After all this debt to GDP in Japan didn't happen over night,it costs for argument sake $10.00 AUS for a big mac in Tokyo,but travel 100 K's north I can by a hamburger cheaper than in Australia.I can fly to Hokkaido island for 3 weeks snow skiing and it is cheaper than at Thredbo.

    THis where it get's trickey,why aren't government's trading in Bonds instead of currency to pay for traded goods.?

    Let the governments argue over the value because all we will see forever and a day is the continuation of QE,and at the end of it is that what governments wont?

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