climate science is a hoax, page-3

  1. 17,307 Posts.
    Its probably more a matter of the continual stream of lies, deception, data-doctoring, cherry-picking, gigo computer models, apocalyptic predictions of imminent doom, AlGore's massive fortune, screaming media scare headlines, that has characterized the AGW hoax that has turned people off the AGW hoax...

    Real science always has a place...

    The AGW hoax is not science by the corruption of science and people recognize it...

    Hoaxes and attempts to indoctrinate our youngsters into the religious AGW cult fail badly with the public..

    Many of us have followed the antics of these various climate charlatans from the 70's when it was the threat of an imminent ice age, through the acid rain threat, and into the start of "abrupt climate change" that was popularized by Whitley Strieber of UFO abduction novel fame, I guess as a new market sector as the UFO abduction scare fizzled out...

    Whitley Strieber wrote the screenplay for The Day After Tomorrow, the climate apocalypse movie that many predictions of the climate charlatans seem to copy...

    Once AlGore picked up Whitley Strieber's theme, it was forced into the mainstream of our education, he cash started to flow into Al's bank account, and here we are today with a mass of youngsters brainwashed into unthinking obedience to the AGW cult...

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