sharon shelves a palestinian state, page-4

  1. 364 Posts.
    Howdy Milesg

    I do wonder as to why not one suicide bomber has been the offspring of any of the PA members, or any of the spiritual leaders of the palestinian people, those very people that are calling for the death of each and every Israeli. It seems that their kids are more precious than those that belong to the rest of the palestinian people.

    Furthermore, how can you even consider talking about a palestinian state when the pig arafat has vowed that he will not rest till all of Israel belongs to the palestinians and the Isrealis are driven into the sea. Today Jerusalem, tomorrow the rest of Isreal. His very words.

    If the shoe was on the other foot, and the palestinians had the upper hand, every Isreali would have been butchered in a matter of days. Palestinians in their 100's of thousands at one time would come into Israel daily to work. You get 2 Israeli reservists getting lost and finding their way into palestinians controlled areas and they are torn apart no doubt by the very same palestinians that would cross into Isreal daily for work. And then the arabs say they want peace! What a joke.

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