drug testing people on the dole, page-42

  1. 10,423 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    ddzx, you make some valid points, but you also let your obvious hatred for conservatism cloud your view.

    the abbot government wants to reduce the public service massively

    Yes it does because the size of the public service is out of control and unsustainable. What's the number? one in six or something work for the public service in this country?

    manufacturing industries are closing down, rapidly

    Nothing to do with excessive wages in this country as opposed to cheap imports from Asia right on our doorstep. Do not forget, Labor's John Button put in place the steady removal of tariff's back in the 70's.

    agricultural industries, orchids & farms are under threat from imports

    Over the past six years did we see Labor assist the agricultural sector anywhere at all? Nope! They merely encouraged imports of product we should grow ourselves...and of course bought in a Carbon tax to assist growers compete internationally.

    Without wasting more time here, what you are saying is we need to return to the Labor / Green way for Australia's future.
    Allow further ramping up of welfare, allow a silly "mining tax' that creates no income to push investment away from this country to places like South America which encourages mining and see's opportunity in investment.
    And we need a carbon tax to further bleed the life out of manufacturing industry and cause more jobs to move offshore.

    Don't you guys get it, do you all live in a vacuum?
    The last six years of Labor have seen hundreds of manufacturers close or move offshore, we have seen unemployment climb, yet you all can't help yourselves but spew hatred toward any move away from Socialism and what obviousl does not work.
    You all seem to embrace the idea of a Carbon Dioxide tax that creates hardship for every single person and drives business offshore, and on top of that 10% of all the money stripped from our economy is given to the United Nations to pursue a "one world Government"

    Honestly, some of you need to look around yourself and think for yourselves instead of believing everything little Billy Shorten tells you...
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