Australians' concern over global warming rebounds, page-83

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    Sea level varied by over 100 metres during glacial-interglacial cycles as the major ice sheets waxed and waned as a result of changes in summer solar radiation in high northern hemisphere latitudes.
    Paleo data from corals indicate that sea level was 4 to 6 m (or more) above present day sea levels during the last interglacial period, about 125 000 years ago. Climate and ice-sheet model simulations indicate that Greenland was about 3°C warmer than today and that the Northern Hemisphere ice sheets contributed 2.2 to 3.4 metres to the higher sea level, with the majority of the rise coming from the partial melting of the Greenland ice sheet. During the last ice age, sea level fell to more than 120 metres below present day sea level as water was stored in ice sheets in North America (Laurentian, Cordilleran), Greenland, northern Europe (Fennoscandia and the Barents region) and Antarctica. As the ice melted, starting around 20 000 years ago, sea level rose rapidly at average rates of about 10 mm per year (1 m per century), and with peak rates of the order of 40 mm per year (4 m per century), until about 6000 years ago. Sea level rose much more slowly over the past 7,000 years.
    The sea level 2,000 years ago can be deduced by (for example) examining fish tanks built by the ancient Romans. Because the tanks had to be at sea level for the sluice gates to function, we can precisely estimate sea level during the period of their use. Comparison of this level with historical records indicates that there has been little net change in sea level from 2000 years ago until the start of the 19th century. A number of other data types are used to estimate sea level over preceding ages. Some of them are: •Geological - e.g. raised beaches, wave-cut shelves, transgressive sequences •Biological - e.g. shells, tree stumps, corals, salt marshes •Man-made - e.g. Ancient Roman fish tanks, Crusader wells in the Palestine, middens

    The AGW has been exposed as a fraud cooking the book to rip off the Sheep.
    You say the "higher Temperatures" I don't think you are facing reality Europe and the Americas are frozen over burning fossil fuel just to stave of frost bite. The truth be known on a comparative small time scale ( 10,000 years not 50 years) the earth has been warmer than the hottest recorded years 9099 years "You guys still miss the basic point. Over the past 25,000 years there have been major changes in temperature (up to 14 deg C) over 40 years without any anthropogenic influence. Recent temperature changes pale into insignificance when compared to the past. Studies also show a close correlation between GISP2 (Greenland Ice Core project) and other glaciers.

    Samples from GICP are representative of world changes. See Dr Easterbrooks readable paper. "

    "So where do the 1934/1998/2010 warm years rank in the long-term list of warm years? Of the past 10,500 years, 9,100 were warmer than 1934/1998/2010. Thus, regardless of which year ( 1934, 1998, or 2010) turns out to be the warmest of the past century, that year will rank number 9,099 in the long-term list. The climate has been warming slowly since the Little Ice Age , but it has quite a ways to go yet before reaching the temperature levels that persisted for nearly all of the past 10,500 years. It’s really much to do about nothing." Please in future when making statements specify the time frame you are using quoting

    Again I repeat It should be noted form the horses mouth "Jonathan Lynn, a spokesman for the IPCC said yesterday:

    ‘This is the culmination of four years’ work by 'hundreds of scientists, where governments get a chance to ensure the summary for policymakers'"

    So this work is based of hundreds of government scientists as opposed to A LARGER GROUP OF SCIENTISTS

    "Scientists sign petition denying man-made global warming More than 31,000 scientists have signed a petition denying that man is responsible for global warming. " "The academics, including 9,000 with PhDs, claim that greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane are actually beneficial for the environment. " ""There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of ... greenhouse gases is causing or will, in the forseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth’s atmosphere and disruption of the Earth’s climate. Moreover, there is substantial scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal environments."

    The petition was reissued last year by the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine, an independent research group" copyright link/news/worldnews/2053842/Scientists-sign-petition-denying-man-made-global-warming.html

    So the rubbish we hear about a majority of scientist support AGW is in actual fact a few hundred government scientists and the IPCC does not conduct any experiment nor does it verify the results

    As the IPCC is "INTERGOVERMENT, PANEL, 0N CLIMATE CHANGE" Those who stand to benefit most are also the "EMPLOYER AND PROVIDE THE FUNDS TO THIS INTER GOVERMENTAL BODY" Wake up and smell the roses the sheep in this world are about to be fleeced.Bookmark and Share

    Christiana Figueres a real expert on bushfires or even climate change. she is 53, comes from the best known political dynasty in Costa Rica. Her father, José Figueres Ferrer, was elected president of Costa Rica three times, while her mother, Karen Olsen, was Costa Rican ambassador to Israel. Figueres has a Masters Degree in Anthropology from the London School of Economics, and a certificate in Organizational Development from Georgetown University. Read more:

    Yes first we have Adam Bandt a lawyer pretending to be an authority on science no Green hidden agenda here.

    Then we have Christina Figueres an anthropologist appointed as Costarican politician Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

    Read more:

    Yes how else do we achieve funding let blame the bush fires that have been happening for the last 65 million years on climate change.

    My answer to this and at least these people have a science qualification at tertiary level and beyond.

    By Graham Tibbetts 12:46PM BST 30 May 2008

    An Inconvenient Verdict for Al Gore Oct. 12, 2007

    The verdict couldn't have come at a less convenient time for Al Gore.

    One day before Friday's announcement that he was a co-winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, a British High Court judge ruled that Gore's global warming film, "An Inconvenient Truth," while "broadly accurate," contained nine significant errors.

    The ruling came on a challenge from a UK school official who did not want to show the film to students. High Court Judge Michael Burton said that the film is "substantially founded upon scientific research and fact" but that the errors were made in "the context of alarmism and exaggeration." and Share

    "One world one tax" wake up sheep you are being taken for a ride and we know where that ends up.
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