I think I've become a racist, page-37

  1. 222 Posts.
    If an Australian is racist to someone not from here it is called racism.

    If someone from overseas is racist towards Australians it is called multiculturalism.

    Was in Melbourne before and noticed in the CBD all of the restaurants run by non-whites tend to only hire people of the same ethnicity. I call this racism but officially its called being multicultural. The people in these restaurants are usually paid below minimum wage. If I go to a restaurant and see racism I usually walk right out as I don't want to support racism in the real sense. If white people hire like this we are called racist. For a non-white this behaviour is called multicultural.

    Ironically, some people think I am being racist for not supporting racism and they think they are being multicultural by supporting racism.

    I do make an exception when it is a family running the place. For example I go to a lot of small take aways run by husband and wife who have come here and are supporting themselves by running their own business. This takes a lot of guts to do and I think it is great. Other places like big yum-cha restaurants I can easily tell they are racist and boycot them.
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