HDR hardman resources limited

tullow looking at hdr?? broker talk, page-19

  1. 9,688 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 979
    re: tullow looking at hdr?? Hi Rager Deutch couldn't place it immediately and opened it up for anyone. The aussie instos played a good game and called the bluff that DB wasn't able to place large % offshore and left DB hanging over 2 nights. HDR was just too small for the offshore players. DB just wanted the margin they didn't care who it was placed with in the end. Their preference is to own clients and funds as they get the round turn on brokerage when they trade out but it is not a perfect world. I would think HDR had little to no influence as to where and how the shares were allocated. their announcement was simply to placate the market a little and to give the impression they were fully informed. HDR were a passenger in the sale process as it is all about instos and broker relationships. Now if HDR, WPL or DB had told anyone WPL were selling then the market would have eased prior to stock going up for grabs ? Hmmmmmmm
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