ABC is actively censoring coverage, page-51

  1. 16,819 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 356
    The NBN was the silliest idea anyone in a developed country ever thought of let alone try to implement.

    Everyone knows that . Well everyone who's ever had a think about the logistics.

    I think the Libs are playing it low key hoping that it'll die a natural death . If the ABC have given up on it you know it's a total dog.

    I'm no wrap for Turnbull but he's between a rock and a hard place here . If it was politically acceptable to just withdraw and not do it they'd do it . Unfortunately there's too many bleeding hearts and know nots who've probably never put up a cracker for anything in their lives who'd be outraged.

    Delicate balancing act ,I'd opt to just pretend to be doing something and do nothing so that Labor can implement their thought bubble once the current regime has run its course.

    It could be a while
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