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Ann: SSH: SCL: SSH Notice - Direct Capital Investments Limited

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    25/07/2014 11:22
    REL: 1122 HRS Scales Corporation Limited
    SSH: SCL: SSH Notice - Direct Capital Investments Limited
    Section 22, Securities Markets Act 1988
    To: NZX Limited
    And: Scales Corporation Limited
    Date this disclosure made: 25 July 2014
    Substantial security holder(s) giving disclosure
    Name(s): Direct Capital Investments Limited, Direct Capital IV Management
    Limited, Direct Capital IV GP Limited, DCIV-PII Delta Partnership (a
    partnership between Direct Capital IV Limited Partnership and Pohutukawa
    Delta Limited), Direct Capital IV Delta Limited Partnership, Direct Capital
    IV Investments Limited, Hendry Nominees Limited and Guardians of New Zealand
    Superannuation as manager and administrator of the New Zealand Superannuation
    Fund (acting through their nominee NZSF Private Equity Investments (No 1)
    Contact details: Mark Hutton
       Tel: +64 9 307 2562
       Email: [email protected]
    Date on which substantial security holder(s) began to have substantial
    holding: 25 July 2014
    Summary of substantial holding to which disclosure relates
    Class of listed voting securities: Ordinary shares
    Summary for Direct Capital Investments Limited
    For this disclosure,--
    (a) total number held in class:  27,955,801
    (b) total in class:  139,779,006
    (c) total percentage held in class:  20.000%
    Summary for Direct Capital IV Management Limited and Direct Capital IV GP
    For this disclosure,--
    (a) total number held in class:  25,223,977
    (b) total in class:  139,779,006
    (c) total percentage held in class:  18.046%
    Summary for DCIV-PII Delta Partnership (a partnership between Direct Capital
    IV Limited Partnership and Pohutukawa Delta Limited), Direct Capital IV Delta
    Limited Partnership, Direct Capital IV Investments Limited, Hendry Nominees
    Limited and Guardians of New Zealand Superannuation as manager and
    administrator of the New Zealand Superannuation Fund (acting through their
    nominee NZSF Private Equity Investments (No 1) Limited) (together, the
    For this disclosure,--
    (a) total number held in class:  25,223,977
    (b) total in class:  139,779,006
    (c) total percentage held in class:  18.046%
    Details of relevant interests currently in substantial holding
    Details for Direct Capital Investments Limited
    Nature of relevant interest(s):  Registered holder of shares in Scales
    Corporation Limited as custodian, including as custodian on behalf of the
    Co-Investors.  Direct Capital Investments Limited's relevant interest is
    qualified by the terms of the Restricted Security Agreement dated 19 June
    2014 (the Restricted Security Agreement) (6 pages attached).
    For that relevant interest,--
    (a) number held in class:  27,955,801
    (b) percentage held in class:  20.000%
    (c) current registered holder(s) of securities:  Direct Capital
    Investments Limited
    (d) registered holder(s) of securities once transfers registered:  not
    Details for Direct Capital IV Management Limited and Direct Capital IV GP
    Nature of relevant interest(s):  Direct Capital IV Management Limited and
    Direct Capital IV GP Limited are responsible for managing the shares in
    Scales Corporation Limited held by Direct Capital Investments Limited on
    behalf of the Co-Investors.  The relevant interests of Direct Capital IV
    Management Limited and Direct Capital IV GP Limited arising under the
    relevant investment management contracts arise only from the powers of
    investment contained in those investment management contracts, which need not
    be attached.  The relevant interests of Direct Capital IV Management Limited
    and Direct Capital IV GP Limited are qualified by the terms of the Restricted
    Security Agreement (attached).
    For that relevant interest,--
    (a) number held in class:  25,223,977
    (b) percentage held in class:  18.046%
    (c) current registered holder(s) of securities:  Direct Capital
    Investments Limited
    (d) registered holder(s) of securities once transfers registered:  not
    Details for the Co-Investors
    Nature of relevant interest(s):  Beneficial owners of shares in Scales
    Corporation Limited that are held by Direct Capital Investments Limited.  The
    Co-Investors have various written or unwritten arrangements or understandings
    in place under which, among other things, they have co-invested in Scales
    Corporation Limited and will co-divest such investment in proportion to each
    Co-Investor's shareholding.  Accordingly, each of the Co-Investors has the
    relevant interests in the shares that the other Co-Investors have.  The
    relevant interests of the Co-Investors arise under the relevant agreements
    that are attached (52 pages attached) or are described above.  The relevant
    interests of the Co-Investors are qualified by the terms of the Restricted
    Security Agreement (attached).
    For that relevant interest,--
    (a) number held in class:  25,223,977
    (b) percentage held in class:  18.046%
    (c) current registered holder(s) of securities:  Direct Capital
    Investments Limited
    (d) registered holder(s) of securities once transfers registered:  not
    Details of transactions and events giving rise to person beginning to have
    substantial holding
    Details of the transactions or other events requiring disclosure under the
    instructions to this form:
    As holders of relevant interests in relation to shares in Scales Corporation
    Limited, each of the entities for whom a relevant interest is disclosed
    herein became a substantial security holder upon the shares in Scales
    Corporation Limited being quoted on the NZX Main Board.
    Additional information
    Nature of connection between substantial security holders:  Direct Capital
    Investments Limited holds shares in Scales Corporation Limited as custodian,
    including as custodian on behalf of the Co-Investors.  Direct Capital IV
    Management Limited and Direct Capital IV GP Limited are responsible for
    managing the shares held by Direct Capital Investments Limited on behalf of
    the Co-Investors.
    Address(es) of substantial security holder(s):
    For Direct Capital Investments Limited, Direct Capital IV Management Limited,
    Direct Capital IV GP Limited and the Co-Investors (other than Guardians of
    New Zealand Superannuation as manager and administrator of the New Zealand
    Superannuation Fund (acting through their nominee NZSF Private Equity
    Investments (No 1) Limited)):
    Level 6, 2 Kitchener Street
    Auckland 1010
    New Zealand
    For Guardians of New Zealand Superannuation as manager and administrator of
    the New Zealand Superannuation Fund (acting through their nominee NZSF
    Private Equity Investments (No 1) Limited):
    Level 12, Zurich House, 21 Queen Street
    Auckland 1010
    New Zealand
    Name of any other person believed to have given, or believed to be required
    to give, a disclosure under the Act in relation to the securities to which
    this disclosure relates:  Scales Corporation Limited
    I, Mark Hutton, declare that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the
    information contained in this disclosure is correct and that I am duly
    authorised to make this disclosure by all persons for whom it is made.
    End CA:00253103 For:SCL    Type:SSH        Time:2014-07-25 11:22:16
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