Abbott’s triumph on biggest world stage, page-27

  1. 5,229 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 13
    You gotta be kidding me. Still going on with this idiotic 'adults in charge' nonsense??

    You see when I was a child I was always told to be quiet when the 'adults' were speaking. My place was one where I was considered too young to contribute to the conversation and that I should listen and learn from what they were saying.

    I am not a child now, and I refuse to be treated like one now by an incompetent and egotistical government and their sidekick media mates. You lot will behave like the subservient fools you are and religiously believe everything they say. You will adore any Liberal politician, not unlike the way the radical Islamists adore their God (yet you will constantly bag them for doing that). Yeah sure, they are the 'adults' and you prefer to be the children...

    It's time to start thinking for yourselves for a change.

    And back on the subject of the seat on the UN council brought up by Raider, if these leaders of ours are the supposed 'adults in charge', it seems they must have grown up quickly. It wasn't that long ago they were stamping their feet and criticizing Rudd for pursuing that position that they are now crowing from.

    End of rant. Moving on...
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