Firestrike Resources (ASX:FIE) has received assay results from testing at 2 of 6 potential prospects at its Copper Ridge project in Utah, USA, using a man portable drilling rig.
Firestrike has identified that a strong silver–copper association is present at both prospects, with a maximum silver value of 1 metre at 466 g/t silver from 1 metre.
Interval weighted average copper at the Harrison is 0.4% copper and 0.35 copper at Xaz.
Drilling so far has focused at the Harrison prospect, the site of historical mining with heap leach processing during the late 1970’s, and at the Xaz prospect.
Depth to date has averaged around 7 metres with the fractured nature of the ground impacting upon the drills capability to reach expected depth.
However, all holes remain open with an option to re-enter the holes at a later stage.
The ground conditions also lead to core loss within copper zones which may be understating the actual copper grade when compared to surface sampling and vertical sampling of the nearby cliff exposure.
Firestrike is also looking to other techniques to improve the depth, increase core recovery and based upon the results of the drilling over time, will seek to employ a larger rig to explore to greater depths.
Drilling is continuing at the Xaz prospect where copper has again been reported in the core and the holes are in the process of geological logging and sampling.
Core recovery and hole depth is improving at this location as the program progresses with experience and better use of drilling fluids.