do you need to be saved, page-57

  1. 317 Posts.
    so.... we both agree that if the lord granted victory Jephthah, he would in turn offer the first thing that came out of his house as a burnt offering right? That is clear from both versions of the passage, yours and mine.

    Unfortunately the first thing that comes out of the house is his daughter, thereby making her the thing that must be burnt and offered, right?

    She is really sad and wants a couple of months to mourn her virginity right? (whatever this actually means is unimportant) - clear in both versions of our passage.

    he says, sure, off you go, I'll see you when you get back.

    she comes back and: "And at the end of two months, she returned to her father, who did with her according to his vow that he had made." (from your passage)

    so, if his vow was to offer up a burnt offering, and it turned out to be his daughter he was to offer, and he "did with her according to his vow", there seems to be no ambiguity that he actually burns his daughter. She died a virgin, and so the custom becomes that israelite women mourned her for 4 days of the year.

    so I am not interpreting anything, I'm just reading the words and understanding their meaning and their meaning is pretty straight forward.

    Your god doesn't mind if people kill and burn their daughters as some kind of honour ritual. Seems strangely reminiscent of honour killings and other terrible treatment of women in the name of religion.

    so yes, we do need saving, but not from the things christians or other religious people think are dangerous to us, but actually the insane rantings and beliefs of religious people themselves it seems.
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