Depression - what do you take

  1. 29,796 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4
    it seems that robyn williams was depressed, and apparently took his life - who knows if he was on medication - probably.

    so what do people take for depression - for what it is worth, but watso hits the bottle.

    watso has never seen a doctor about being depressed - maybe watso was just feeling really really really low low low and maybe watso does not really know what real depression really is- but the bottle got watso through his darkest periods in life - the bottle obliterated the pain of living.

    watso's first wife used cigarettes, when she was feeling low - cigarettes with a very modest amount of alcohol - but watso doubts that she ever felt really really really low low low.... she was smart, had a good job, and had a family to keep her busy

    the second wife did not drink, and did not smoke - but she suffered from pretty long term something or the other and was placed on anti depressants - but being a nurse, she was very careful with the medication - taking just 1/4 of some tablet per day - but when she got really really really low low low - then she would up the dosage.

    watso started riding the pushbike in a serious way, because it rectified his back problem - but the added bonus from the cycling (ie exercise) is the production of free endorphins, which produce free serotonin (or something like that) - which is a natural HIGH.

    watso still likes to have a drink - mostly because he simply likes to have a drink .

    obviously people use other drugs (apart from prescribed drugs, smokes and alcohol) to get through stressful periods in life..... mmmm it seems that some people eat there way through stressful times.

    so what do you take???
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