CRI 5.88% 1.8¢ critica limited

10c here we come!, page-56

  1. 739 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 384
    Hey tprchris,

    No doubt supremely intelligent (if not prescient) pundits like yourself will be aware of the maxim about broken wit, they're right at least twice a day. Pity you were dead wrong when you actually made the prediction (I most sincerely hope you lost some good money on that, but I doubt you have enough skin in the game in any case).

    Why don't you impress us all by predicting the SP after the November court case...surely it will be lower than five cents and we would all be abject fools not to sell out at these current giddy heights?
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1.8¢ 1058706 3
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