500,000 barrels short; kidnappings; tanker threats, page-2

  1. 230 Posts.
    Sad isn't it. The Nigerian armed forces under Obasanjo have been more ruthless than Sani Abacha and the Shell oil company who were morally complicit in the hanging of the Nigerian activist some four years ago by Abacha on trumped up charges.

    The chappies firing rockets bought his arsenal from the British and the Israeli's through 'middlemen' who have been plying their trade in that dangerous unstable area for decades.

    It was only a matter of time before he would become their enemy. Like Osama these fellas tend to create legends about themselves in a superstitious country where people believe in spirits protecting them against bullets and the like.

    A new group will now emerge if they have not already, being the same villians in different clothes to sell them more arms in exchange for safe passage for more stolen oil. The cycle this time round has gone anti clockwise.

    Nigeria will be cut out of the equation of major suppliers. Theirs will be ad hoc and on a spot basis. Thats oil for you.

    I would be watching Venezuela closely. Thats when the fun begins. The explosions in Tehran will simply be agents working to shake the cage of the current government. It will spike the oil price and it will cross the US$70 mark again only this time there will be no coming down to the $40's for ever. Get used to it. It is in the interest of many a US and Europen company to keep it that way too.

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