ADO 5.56% 1.7¢ anteotech ltd

Ann: Feasibility Agreement, page-15

  1. 203 Posts.
    hey Factor,

    The article can be found here.
    How Antibody Surface Coverage on Nanoparticles Determines the Activity and Kinetics of Antigen Capturing for Biosensing

    Received: April 8, 2014
    Accepted: July 21, 2014

    Here is part of the opening paragraph of the intro that is highly relevant to us:

    “In all cases, the antigen-capturing activity of the antibodies is crucial and this strongly depends on the immobilization strategy. The process to anchor the antibody molecules to the particle surface is a delicate balance between, on the one hand, the need to reliably attach the antibodies to the nanoparticle surface, and on the other hand, the need to keep the antibodies in a biologically active molecular conformation with a high accessibility for capturing antigens from solution. A stable link is needed between antibody and particle, while minimally changing the antibody molecule and without reducing its interaction with the solution

    Also in the conclusion, relevant: "As a next step, the developed supernatant assay methodology can be applied to quantitatively characterize the capturing functionality of other surface biofunctionalizations"

    All IMO, dyor.
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