This isn't a problem with Islam, page-27

  1. 2,796 Posts.
    I'm sure the greater majority of the 1.6 billion muslims are just like the modern christians, where they pick and choose the part of the religion that suits them.

    But with humans, there is always a minority that follow this rubbish to the letter, like chirstian extreamists, you get muslim extreamists. At least christianity is safe, they just pray and want to convert you. Its the small minority of muslims that are the serious problem, hi jack planes and fly them into buildings, and at the momemnt kill 1000's of people as they invade land in Iraq, Syria and Iran.

    This is why Islam should be banned in Australia, because of the dangerous minority that follow Islam word for word, I'd much rather somone get sucked into christianity, or another religion than Islam. At least they dont become a homocidal maniac.
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