PEN 3.56% $1.36 peninsula energy limited

Hearing, page-4

  1. 13,368 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 16
    The biggest issue I foresee is the baseline water monitoring. Strata and the NRC argue they have complied with legal requirements, the intevenors argue they should have done more.

    i believe Strata may win this on legal grounds. However I believe this may be the aspect that results in changes to the SEIS process.

    Water migration I feel certain will be won based solely on technical and scientific grounds. The intevenors are referring to a totally different drilling method used by oil and gas companies. A method Strata and other ISR companies dont even use. The controls in place are of a very high standard and has been explained in great detail by Strata in evidentiary submissions. I believe the Intevenors have erred on this point.

    i have quietly been reading most that has been put up on Adams since early this year, I am now convinced Strata will win.

    But we probably wont know the final outcome until Jan it seems.

    the real winners out of this being lawyers. They will bank a tidy sum over this I am sure.
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