Burqa ban: Tony Abbott axes new rules!, page-75

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    "Funny" - how debate on burqas - brings out such hatred and bile - from those of the Left.

    Who dredge up the ame LP recotrd - Tony (allegedly) punching some wall - 2 generations ago - (only reliant on some hostile woman who reckons she may have been there - but probably wasn't) -

    yet same Leftists - so deathly quiet - on all the Mt Everest sized scandals/allegations of scams, rorts, and even deadly serious alleged criminal acts - pertaining to their (beloived) Party - really, not even woth spedning the breath - or the time - on debating or countering.

    Their sheer, bald, hatred and spite. Bring back Malcolm. same old chestnuts. ABbott's doing very nicely thank you.

    Considering the gall of this Oppositon leader he's up against! Bill(Blocker!) Shorten - who has the nerve to sit in Parliament, day in - day put - or leap to his feer to sneer - at the people opposite - when HE is the WHOLE problem Australia currently has, I allege. For he's an appalling Oppositon Leader. No patriot he thousands allege. Not an Opposition Leader's bootlace. We see, very clearly, what he's up to. What his rotten agenda is!

    He's determined he and his Party - (now chattering rabble noisier than monkeys) - will OPPOSE each, all, and every legislation and election policy the LNP try to put up - to honor their election promises. Policies which WE, the majority - elected them to do Setpember 7th 2013! We gave them a HUGE mandate - yet Shorten whines and defames and he, and his crew dont give a fig for us - it's all about them and their "destory at all costs" agenda.

    Shorten, little wimp, denies us the right we demanded, and gained, via the ballot box - to allow the LNP to do it's job - to tackle the vast Labor huge debt inheritance!

    Plibersek also a disgrace. A smart crack about Abbott's bathers - cheap and nasty, insulting shot. The thought of her ever "gracing" the world diplomatic stages - nasty sneer attached - ad allegedly, totally hopeless and inept at world affairs - sends shivers down many a spine.

    Labor care about themselves. Only! And getting back into power - via some deceptive smoke and mirrors. To get their greedy mits onto our national cheque books, again. And launch into another spending spree. With OPM. Game, set, match,

    Abbott - a Rhodes Scholar - an Oxford Blue. Not everyone's cup of tea, no - I allow - whichever color the opinion. But he oozes class - is decent - a gentleman - but nobody's fool -(as compared to sneery Shorten - known for yelling insults at innocent pie shop proprieitors - his "don't you know who I am act!). Yes, MR. Abbott has grown immensely in stature - growing gracefully into his elected job as a competent and effective PM!

    I personally feel he should be tougher - and more decisive. In many areas. But he chooses softly softly - his perogative - as PM.

    BTW - NO burqas in Parliament? Well, may not be many of the entire tent-like whole total body covers. But bet there'll be heaps of hijabs and nijabs through there now. Lots of "in our faces" statements being made - we can like it or lump it- I predict. For, I also allege - this dress code is, allegedly via some who are promoters, mostly male adherents, also encouraged, and retained, though Dark Ages inhibitive stuff, IMO - as being a very good walking advertisment for whatever it is which is being promoted. And why are these women wearing it so belligerent and defiant in doing so? See themselves as superior - more pure and modest - than our Aussie "garden variety" ladies?
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