does australia have a racism problem, page-24

  1. 49 Posts.
    It's true that there is less trust of Muslim people. But that's a complicated situation... for starters it's blaringly obvious that there are violent, dangerous aspects of Islam yet we are told regularly by Muslims (and the left) that Islam is a peaceful religion and there is no connection between say the brutality of ISIS and Islam... while the perpetrators are telling us a different story, reading versus from the Koran or the Hadiths... This causes mistrust. There is a problem with Islam, it is both a peaceful religion and an extremely violent one, it is dualistic. Islam needs reforming, the Koran must be updated... but while Muslims and apologists keep insisting there is no problem then it removes the need for change. There are people in the Muslim world working their asses off and risking their lives (or being executed) to effect change, by denying the need for reform or change we betray those people... the left betrays those people. I read this article yesterday, I'd been struggling with the denial and was happy to see it put in writing:

    Yesterday I also read a response by Sam Harris in regards to the Ben Affleck 'experience' and I think he makes an excellent point when he says: "After the show, Kristof, Affleck, Maher, and I continued our discussion. At one point, Kristof reiterated the claim that Maher and I had failed to acknowledge the existence of all the good Muslims who condemn ISIS, citing the popular hashtag #NotInOurName. In response, I said: “Yes, I agree that all condemnation of ISIS is good. But what do you think would happen if we had burned a copy of the Koran on tonight’s show? There would be riots in scores of countries. Embassies would fall. In response to our mistreating a book, millions of Muslims would take to the streets, and we would spend the rest of our lives fending off credible threats of murder. But when ISIS crucifies people, buries children alive, and rapes and tortures women by the thousands—all in the name of Islam—the response is a few small demonstrations in Europe and a hashtag.”"

    That article can be found here:

    Sorry for the long post... I rarely post about anything on HC... usually just reading everyone else's opinions.
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