conscious realzation, page-43

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    When Goethe was dying he wanted to experience the transition of his consciousness, consciously or conscious realisation, the ultimate experience of life. I read he had friends around to keep him awake and he was walking and died as he was walking. So he achieved his goal because he practised conscious realisation and wrote a lot about consciousness.

    Goethe also said he was a pagan not a heiven - Thought I would share this in the spirit of my conscious reaslisation, that this particular point of  conscious energy seems a bit similar.
    "Sometimes, particularly in the years that follow his first sojourn in Italy, Goethe likes to call himself a pagan, but this does not mean that he considers himself irreligious. Instead, it indicates only that he clings to a religion which does not follow the tenets of dogmatic Christianity. "

    "Submitting to the spirit, man must strive for true humanity, so that he may become whatever his nature destines him to be."

    The supreme manifestation of the spirit in man is love. The spirit does not permit man to be satisfied with simply asserting himself and imposing his will on other beings, it compels him to be considerate of them. In this way the spirit brings order out of the chaos of human relations. Without kindness man is not man in the full sense of the word. The man who truly understands himself cannot do otherwise than let himself be guided by love.

    He does not find love in nature. Love is the divine spark within him. So the hymn in which Goethe exalts the truly human attitude is called "The Divine." He begins it in this way:

    Noble let man be,
    Helpful and good!
    For that alone
    Sets him quite apart
    From every being
    Which we can know.

    Hail to all the unknown
    Higher beings,
    Which we surmise!
    Man should imitate them;
    His life should teach us
    To accept them.

    Goethe says also of love:

    Love and passion may fly away ever,
    But kindness of heart will lose the day never.

    When a marvel happens in the world,
    It comes through innocent and loving spirits.

    "In the face of another's great superiority," he says, "there is no remedy but love." And again: "There is a politeness of the heart. It is akin to love."

    This seqways intio the conscious realisation of many NDE's That God is unconditional love and light in a worlds of light beings
    naturally gathering according to their own vibration of consciousness.

    These people have consciously realised life after death;
    Our God-given free will is like a shield around us. Sometimes we can get holes in this shield. Holes open us up to manipulation. The first thing God created were Holy Angels, which also have free will. Some of these unplugged from God, and are now called unHoly Angels or demons. They desire to  attack the things that God loves - the earth, humans, etc. They attack humans the same way they have for thousands of years - they focus on destroying physical health, relationships and finances. This not only hurts God, but can distract and confuse us from becoming the true potential that God created us to be. When this shield of free will is breached, it is like having a nagging voice constantly whispering in your ear things destructive and negative things. For example, that you will never have long-term loving relationships, never accomplish the dreams and goals in your heart, never have full physical health or abundance, that you will always have to watch for the next shoe to drop, etc. This creates a war in our hearts, because we know in our spirit that these things are not really how we want to feel or live our lives. Some place deep inside we know that we are sparks off the Divine flame, and were created to have happy, healthy lives full of abundance in all good things. This negative voice is NOT YOU. And you can shut it down, heal any injured or manipulated areas, and have peace and joy again.
    Sometimes the holes in the shield are punched through from the outside. This can occur by physical abuse, emotional abuse, or sexual abuse.
    Sometimes we punch holes in it ourselves, from the inside out. This can occur by times of high emotion such as anger, fear, or even grief; addictions; willful sin (doing things we know we shouldn’t do but doing them anyway); some medications, severe lack of self-confidence, etc.
    *SPECIALTY PRAYER: For Cleansing/Deliverance. There are different kinds of prayers for different things, some can be said by anyone, because we are all children of God. Others need the authority of a priest or one delegated to the clerical responsibility, which is why Father Billy Clark does the specialty prayers for us. Those ordained are recognized by the Holy Angels to have a special authority granted to them through God to cast out demons, and the Unholy Angels know it too. When the prayers are said an invisible war takes place, and the Unholy Angels are battled and removed from you and your surroundings. Also, anything not of love and light cannot exist with you. The holes in the shield of free will are then closed, and will remain so, unless they are opened back up again. Father Billy also helps a person recognize what these holes might be (unforgiveness, pornography, etc.) so the person can take any weak spots and make them strong once again.

    Here is a deliverance prayer that you can say for yourself, at any time:

    "Father, if there are unHoly Angels in, on, near or around me, I nail and hold them fast and silence them. I decommission, bind and encapsulate them through the Power of the Shed Blood of Your Son, Jesus Christ. I bring them up to your presence immediately Lord to deal with as you see fit. May you fill any empty spaces and lonely places within me with your love and your light. Thank you Father, In Jesus' name. Amen."
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