Us created and funded ISIL, page-13

  1. 30,121 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4
    all of this western meddling in middle eastern affairs, with the idea of regime change, amounts to nothing, unless, the western powers agitate for regime change in saudi arabia.

    in syria, and iraq - the countries were led by people who are/were secular in nature - which frankly, would have been the best that the west could have hoped for - yet, they wanted regime change.  even in libya - the guy was better than what has transpired.  arab spring elections in egypt gave egypt a democratically elected muslim brotherhood - which was no good for egyptian christians were tolerated by the so called despotic rulers - but once the muslim brotherhood gained control - then the life of christians in egypt became threatened

    why would some western powers want to remove assaad in syria - when he was secular, and the minorities were protected - who knows, but maybe assaad had to be brutal, to keep things under control - because one thing for sure, is that the middle east is not full or peace loving people.

    lots of information on the net about a christian woman called sister miriam on the net

    lots of youtube videos about the

    maybe she is not happy with the totalitarian assaad - but he is a better option - and she had been working in syria for a couple of decades

    one thing for sure is that she had no problems working as a christian in syria, under a syria ruled by assaad.... one thing for sure, is that under the ISIL mob - she would have no future in syria - and would probably simply be killed
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